Although the design is usually the most critical focus of a new logo, there is another aspect that also requires a lot of attention and assessment. And that is the various colors that go on your logo. Many people never anticipate this step and often stall the logo creation process for weeks as they go back and forth choosing their final logo colors. You can avoid making the same mistake by critically assessing what colors you want your custom logo to have at the start. Below, see some of the important factors you’ll need to think about, when choosing your logo colors.
What do different colors represent?
You probably know by now that colors are not all about appearances and aesthetics. Colors have deeper meanings behind them. What you may not know is what the various colors represent. For example, white stands for peace, and purity. Purple represents royalty, while red represents love, as well as danger. Although not mandatory, it’s important to look at what the different colors stand for as you choose which of them to apply on your logo. After all, it’s better to apply colors to your logo for their deeper meaning(s) rather than just looks. Or maybe you can do both, choose a color for its looks and meaning(s) as well.
Choosing the perfect logo colors/shades
Once you have narrowed down the different colors you’d like for your logo, it’s also important to also look at the different shades of colors. Of the seven major colors derived from the rainbow, each has tens of shades. So in total you have hundreds of shades of color to choose from. Although this might make selecting your final picks more difficult, the upside is that you have a very generous selection to work with and therefore stand to get the exact colors your logo needs.
How many colors do you need?
Shades aside, you also need to decide just how many colors you need for your established logo. It’s advisable to stick to a few colors and have these applied for all your branding efforts. You could choose to work with 2, 3, 4 or 5 colors. There is no right or wrong number here. But for the sake of consistency, it’s better to stick with these colors going forward as opposed to changing them every now and then. So choose wisely.
Applying your logo colors to different products & materials
As you choose what colors to go with, how many colors you need, or what specific shades are just right for you, you also need to consider how these logo colors will fair with the different materials and products where your logo will be applied, e.g. t-shirts, business cards or product packaging. For example, if you’re choosing a silver logo, consider whether it will be visible on white printed paper or white t-shirts. You want your logo to be clearly visible on all these materials where they will be printed/applied.
At Logo Is Us we help you avoid the headache of deciding what colors to put on your logos. This is thanks to our pre-made logos which can be customized to suit your exact needs, color customization & editing included.