
Logos for sale

Unique pre-designed logos

All of our logos are uniquely designed by our talented team of designers, created to provide you with a wide range of styles and ideas. Each logo is sold once and then removed from our inventory, ensuring that your logo to be a one-of-a-kind design.

Customize Your Ready-made Logo!

Personalize your unique logo with ease.
Elevate your chosen ready-made logo by customizing the text, tagline, fonts, and colors to suit your brand.

How it works

Find your next logo

Browse our unique pre-designed logos on our Logos catalog

Make it yours

Describe the customization you’d like for your new logo

Download your new logo

Your logo will be ready within 24 hours

Full copyright ownership​

All our logos are unique designs created by our hand-picked designers, and each logo can be sold once.

When you purchase a logo on Logo Is Us, you become the exclusive owner of the logo. You get all user rights, and you can use the logo for any purpose, on any platform, without any limitation.

Sold once, yours forever.

What our customers say

“We found our stunning logo on Logo Is Us. We were looking for a modern, yet timelessness logo, with a touch of technology. The modifications were made very quickly, due to the efficient customer service.”
“Working with Logo Is Us was a pleasure. They were quick, professional, and paid attention to the details. The result came out perfect!”
“Awesome to work with. Easy to communicate, kind and responsive. Beautiful work”
“The unique design I purchased on Logo Is Us is both attractive and highly adaptable. I appreciated the attention to our needs and pleased with how quickly the work completed. Thanks to Logo Is Us we have a design we can be proud of.”
“Logo Is Us helped us designing the logo for our company professionally and patiently. We received the logo on a short schedule with maximum comfort and creativity. We are very pleased with the results and recommend Logo Is Us warmly.”
“Super recommended. I did my website’s logo through Logo Is Us and I cannot be more satisfied. They helped me with as much revisions I needed and sent me the logo in various formats. Very professional and kind.”
“I looked for a logo but did not know what to choose. I contacted the customer service and was offered several options. Logo Is Us was able to combine the letter B with the logo in the most creative way. The end result was an innovative technological logo that fits precisely into my business.”
“I purchased the new logo for my business on Logo Is Us. I feel a significant improvement in sales and customer responses. My business pages on Facebook and Instagram look more professional. Warmly recommend to anyone who wants to leverage his business step forward”
“Working with Logo Is Us was a wonderful experience. I was able to choose from a number of well designed logos and then make edits very quickly. Logo Is Us instantly made my business look more professional. I will definitely use them again and recommend them to all my friends.”


If you have a knack for design and would like to expand your clientele in one easy step, we welcome you aboard! This is your chance to make a great living simply sitting at your desk doing what you are best at – designing!

Learn more